Uvjeti Prodaje

Uvjeti Prodaje (For English scroll to bottom)


Uvjetima prodaje uređuju se odnosi između Kupca i obrta (dalje u tekstu: „Prodavatelj“) vezano uz valjanost ugovornog odnosa prema Kupcu, oglašavanje, uvjete i način naručivanja proizvoda, cijene proizvoda, uvjete i načine plaćanja, dostave, pravo na raskid ugovora i povrat robe i ostala pitanja važna za sklapanje ugovora o kupoprodaji putem internet trgovine objavljene na internet stranici Prodavatelja: https://www.CroatianGiftShop.com

Na Uvjete prodaje primjenjuju se važeći Zakon o zaštiti potrošača, važeći Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini, važeći Zakon o obveznim odnosima te ostali važeći propisi Republike Hrvatske.

Valjanost Uvjeta prodaje

Uvjeti prodaje primjenjuju se između Kupca i obrta  (dalje u tekstu: “Prodavatelj“), vezano uz naručivanje proizvoda od strane Kupca putem internet trgovine objavljene na internet stranici Prodavatelja (dalje u tekstu: „CroatianGiftShop.com“).

Kupac je svaka fizička osoba koja je posjetitelj CroatianGiftShop.com i koja Prodavatelju preda narudžbu za kupnju pojedinog i/ili grupe proizvoda prodavatelja, te odabere minimalno jedan proizvod, stavi ga u košaricu, plati kreditnom karticom, virmanom ili internet bankarstvom. Kupac može biti samo punoljetna i poslovno sposobna osoba. Ugovor u ime i za račun maloljetnika i potpuno poslovno nesposobne osobe mogu zaključiti njihovi zakonski zastupnici ili skrbnici. Djelomično poslovno sposobne osobe ugovor mogu zaključiti samo uz suglasnost njihovog zakonskog zastupnika ili skrbnika. Za postupanje suprotno ovoj odredbi Prodavatelj ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost. 

Za pravne osobe primjenjuje se važeći Zakon o obveznim odnosima.

Ugovor koji Kupac sklapa s Prodavateljem jednokratan je ugovor o kupoprodaji proizvoda na daljinu koji je konzumiran isporukom robe te izvršenim plaćanjem od strane Kupca, u slučaju da ne bude raskinut. Ovi Uvjeti prodaje sastavni su dio ugovora.

Nevaljanost drugih ugovornih uvjeta

Ovi Uvjeti prodaje primjenjuju se kao primarni i mandatorni izvor prava kojim se regulira pravni odnos između Prodavatelja i Kupca i u tom smislu imaju prevladavajući učinak u odnosu na sve druge moguće izvore te zamjenjuju sve druge pisane ili usmene ugovore, uvjete i/ili sporazume između Prodavatelja i Kupca i/ili ugovorne uvjete drugih osoba, koji odstupaju od ovih Uvjeta prodaje. U slučaju nesuglasja između ovih Uvjeta prodaje i svih drugih sporazuma Prodavatelja i Kupca, ovi Uvjeti prodaje će imati prevladavajući učinak, osim ako ugovorne strane ne postignu drugačiji pisani sporazum.

Valjanost odnosa prema potrošačima

Ovi Uvjeti prodaje primjenjuju se prema svim osobama koji se u smislu zakonodavstva Republike Hrvatske smatraju Potrošačem.

Valjanost odnosa prema stranim državljanima

Ovi Uvjeti prodaje primjenjuju se i na fizičke osobe, koje imaju državljanstvo različito od državljanstva Republike Hrvatske i to bez obzira na eventualne razlike u zakonskom ili statutarnom položaju Kupca, i bez obzira na njegove stvarne sposobnosti razumijevanja hrvatskoga jezika na kojem su ovi Uvjeti prodaje sastavljeni.

Ovi Uvjeti prodaje primjenjuju se i na apatride, kao i na osoblje stranih diplomatskih i konzularnih predstavništava te na počasne konzule i konzulate stranih država na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske.


Objave Prodavatelja predstavljaju prikaz osnovnih Uvjeta prodaje, osim ako Prodavatelj nije izričito naveo drugačije.

Opisispecifikacije, i fotografije proizvoda su dobiveni u prostorijama Prodavatelja.

U svrhu oglašavanja pojedinih proizvoda, Prodavatelj koristi uslugu Google Adwords remarketinga. To je usluga koju pruža Google za ciljano oglašavanje. Usluga se koristi u svrhu oglašavanja kroz Google Search, te Google Display mrežu kupaca koji su već posjetili CroatianGiftShop.com. Ovu uslugu možete odjaviti u Googleovim postavkama – oglasi koji se nalaze u vašem Google profilu.

Putem CroatianGiftShop.com Kupcu je omogućena kupnja dijela asortimana proizvoda iz ponude Prodavatelja.

Prodavatelj sve materijale, videe, fotografije i tekst postavlja na web stranicu u dobroj namjeri kako bi Kupcu olakšali odabir prilikom kupovine.

Ukoliko zbog greške ili previda cijena objavljena na CroatianGiftShop.com nije ispravna ili je u međuvremenu promijenjena, Prodavatelj zadržava pravo na izmjenu. Također u tom slučaju Prodavatelj zadržava pravo da Kupca informira o promjeni ili ispravnosti cijene te da Kupcu pruži priliku da potvrdi ili otkaže svoju narudžbu. Ukoliko traženi proizvod nije dobavljiv Prodavatelj će u najkraćem roku obavijestiti Kupca o točnom roku isporuke ili će Prodavatelj Kupcu vratiti uplaćeni iznos.

Naručivanje proizvoda

Kupac može iz dijela asortimana Prodavatelja, objavljenog na CroatianGiftShop.com izabrati proizvod ili grupu proizvoda za čiju kupnju je zainteresiran i to klikom na gumb “Dodaj u košaricu” te isti na taj način dodati svojoj košarici. Proizvode se naručivaju bez registracije kupca.

Klikom na gumb “Naplati” Kupac daje neopozivu ponudu Prodavatelju za kupnju pojedinog ili grupe proizvoda. Prije zaključivanja kupovine Kupac može samostalno promijeniti stanje proizvoda ili dodavati još proizvoda u košaricu.

Kupnja ne može biti realizirana ukoliko Kupac nije potvrdio svoje slaganje s Uvjetima prodaje.

Kupnja je valjana samo ako je narudžba uredno ispunjena i zaključena putem CroatianGiftShop.com. To vrijedi i za dodatne zahtjeve, uvjete ili upute Kupca, koji mogu biti u vezi s kupljenim sadržajem.

U slučaju da Prodavatelj nije u mogućnosti isporučiti proizvod prodavatelj će pismeno ili telefonski obavijestiti Kupca o tome čim to bude moguće. U slučaju obavijesti da je naručeni proizvod dostupan u produljenom roku, Kupac ima mogućnost ostati pri narudžbi, uz novi, tako naznačeni rok isporuke, ili pak otkazati narudžbu. U slučaju da Prodavatelj obavijesti Kupca da proizvod uopće ne može isporučiti, ugovor se raskida već samom takvom obaviješću i narudžba se otkazuje, te se neautorizirane transakcije kreditnih ili debitnih kartica otkazuju odmah, a povrat uplaćenih sredstava, ukoliko ih je bilo, Prodavatelj će Kupcu vratiti uplaćeni iznos.

Ukoliko Kupac odbije primiti ispravne/neoštećene proizvode koje je prethodno naručio, Prodavatelj ima pravo tražiti od Kupca nadoknadu troškova dostave (manipulativne troškove).

Narudžba kupca se smatra potvrđenom i valjanom tek kada je kreiran račun.

Nakon potvrđivanja narudžbe Kupca od strane Prodavatelja, uvjeti za svaki ugovor o kupnji između Kupca i Prodavatelja su fiksni i ne mogu se mijenjati, osim ako ugovorne strane ne postignu drugačiji sporazum u pisanom obliku.

Promo kod s popustom

Ova Internet trgovina može izdavati promo kodove za popust. Ukoliko je aktivan, promo kod za popust donosi različite pogodnosti prilikom kupnje putem Internet trgovine i može biti vremenski ograničen. Aktivni promo kod za popust objavljuje se na naslovnoj stranici, stranici proizvoda, newsletteru ili u drugim medijima. Promo kod se obračunava na sav asortimanUporaba promo koda za popust: aktivan promo kod upisuje se u internet košaricePromo kodovi se međusobno ne zbrajaju.

Općenito o načinu plaćanja

Sve navedene cijene na CroatianGiftShop.com istaknute su u Eurima (EUR), osim ako nije drugačije izričito navedeno. Cijene ne uključuju porez na dodanu vrijednost jer  nije u sustavu PDV-a. Cijene proizvoda ne uključuju troškove dostave.

Internet trgovina CroatianGiftShop.com omogućuje korisnicima plaćanje i kupnju putem kreditne ili debitne kartice, virmanom, uplatom u pošti, FINI, internet bankarstvom ili uplatom u banci te Paypal-om u skladu s uvjetima koji su navedeni u ovim Općim uvjetima.

Kupac je suglasan da Prodavatelj, u slučaju sumnje na zlouporabu bilo koje vrste plaćanja, može zatražiti dodatne dokaze o valjanosti takvog načina plaćanja, a u slučaju da takvi dokazi ne budu podneseni ima pravo obustaviti transakciju i otkazati narudžbu.

Kupac potvrđuje i suglasan je da njegov pružatelj usluga platnog prometa, u svrhu ispunjavanja obveza plaćanja Kupaca prema Prodavatelju, može teretiti Kupca transakcijskim troškovima koji nisu poznati Prodavatelju. Kupac je suglasan da sve takve troškove snosi sam.

U slučaju da Kupac robu namjerava uplatiti na žiro račun Prodavatelja (virmanom, e-bankingom, u pošti, banci i sl.) potrebno je izabrati opciju plaćanja “Direct Bank Transfer” na košarici CroatianGiftShop.com. Rok za uplatu Kupca je 3 dana, nakon tog roka Prodavatelj ne garantira dobavljivost naručenih artikala. Obrada narudžbe počinje teći od trenutka vidljivosti uplate na našem računu. Ako je uplata uslijedila nakon roka, a roba je raspoloživa, pokreće se postupak dostave. Ako roba nije raspoloživa Prodavatelj će obavijestiti Kupca o točnom roku isporuke ili će Prodavatelj Kupcu vratiti uplaćeni iznos.

Plaćanje kreditnim ili debitnim karticama

Plaćanje kreditnim ili debitnim karticama vrši se kroz virtualni POS sustav Web Secure Payment Gateway pod nazivom “WSpay” zaštićenog Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protokolom. Putem CroatianGiftShop.com plaćanje je moguće kreditnim i/ili debitnim karticama: American Express, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners i Visa. Prilikom plaćanja proizvoda kreditnim ili debitnim karticama Kupca, istog će pružatelj platnih usluga teretiti za iznos Narudžbe.

Po zadavanju konkretnog naloga za izvršenje plaćanja po kreditnoj ili debitnoj kartici Kupca, Kupac se odriče svakog prava raskida, otkaza i/ili izmjene izvršenja konkretnog naloga za plaćanje. Ovakvo odricanje odnosni se samo na neopozivost platne transakcije i ne utječe na prava Kupca vezano uz raskid ugovora. U tom smislu Kupac je odgovoran za sve troškove i štete koje u tom pogledu mogu nastati Prodavatelju.

Kupac je odgovoran osigurati da pružatelju usluga platnog prometa kreditnih ili debitnih kartica omogući dovoljnu količinu novca za izvršenje plaćanja kupoprodajne cijene i svih drugih primjenjivih troškova. Ovaj odnos je reguliran pravilima između pružatelja platnih usluga i Kupca da se pravo na isplatu koristi od strane kreditne ili debitne kartice, te da Kupac putem narudžbe dostavlja potpune i točne podatke o kreditnoj ili debitnoj kartici. U protivnom Kupac je odgovoran za svu štetu i troškove koji su nastali ili mogu nastati Prodavatelju u odnosu na povredu ove obveze Kupca.


Dostava i rokovi isporuke 

Prodavatelj je dužan dostaviti naručenu robu na adresu koju je Kupac naveo u Narudžbi Kupca poslane putem CroatianGiftShop.com.

Prodavatelj je odgovoran za pravovremeno i uredno otpremanje robe iz svojih poslovnih jedinica i isporuke dostavljača, ali nije odgovoran za kašnjenja uzrokovanih brodarskim uslugama, višu silu, kao i za sve slučajeve nemogućnosti i/ili kašnjenja isporuke za koje odgovaraju dostavne službe.

Ukoliko isporuka kupljene robe nije moguća, na adresi koju je Kupac naznačio, zbog toga što se Kupac u dogovorenom terminu ne nalazi na naznačenoj adresi, iz njemu poznatih razloga, troškove sljedeće isporuke, kao i sve druge moguće troškove zbog neuspjele isporuke snosi isključivo Kupac.

Kupac je dužan bez odlaganja preuzetu robu pregledati po vanjskoj ambalaži prilikom preuzimanja od dostavne službe, te obavijestiti Prodavatelja o vidljivim nedostacima robe.

Prodavatelj može, u slučaju uočenih problema s izvršavanjem obveze plaćanja Kupca, otpremu robe po vlastitom nahođenju otkazati ili odgoditi do potpunog izvršenja obveza plaćanja od strane Kupca.

Ukoliko Kupac odbije primiti ispravne/neoštećene proizvode koje je prethodno naručio, Prodavatelj ima pravo tražiti od Kupca nadoknadu troškova dostave (manipulativne troškove).

Na stranicama dostavnih službi možete pratiti svoj paket. Po unosu broja paketa prikazati će se detalji dostave – uključujući i informaciju očekivanog vremena isporuke, kao i posljednji status nakon otpreme paketa. 

Garancija, jamstvo i nedostaci

Sva roba na CroatianGiftShop.com ne dolazi sa jamstvom ili garancijom.

Prodavatelj je odgovoran za materijalne nedostatke proizvoda u skladu s odredbama važećeg Zakona o obveznim odnosima i Direktivama EU o zaštiti potrošača.

Ako je Kupac uredno obavijestio Prodavatelja o materijalnim nedostacima (vidljivim), Prodavatelj prema Kupcu unutar zakonski propisanih rokova ima obvezu slijedeće: (I) uklanjanje nedostatka, (II) zamjena robe drugom robom bez nedostatka, (III) smanjiti kupoprodajnu cijenu, (IV) omogućiti raskid ugovora.

Kupac mora obavijestiti Prodavatelja o nedostatku zajedno s točnim opisom istog u zakonskom roku. Kupac je obavezan omogućiti nam slike proizvoda.

Ukoliko pošiljku s proizvodom za kojeg je utvrđen materijalni nedostatak Kupac želi vratiti na trošak kupca, to može na način da se prethodno dogovori s Prodavateljem orders@croatiangiftshop.com

Stranke isključuju odgovornost Prodavatelja za bilo kakvu daljnju štetu na osobama i stvarima, različitima od kupljenog proizvoda, ako je takva šteta prouzročena namjerom ili nepažnjom Kupca ili osoba za koje on odgovara, pa čak i u slučaju ako kupljeni proizvod ima nedostataka.

Pravo odustajanja od kupnje i povrat robe

Potrošač ima pravo, ne navodeći razloge za to, jednostrano raskinuti ugovor sklopljen izvan poslovnih prostorija ili sklopljen na daljinu od dana njegova sklapanja, a najkasnije u roku od 14 dana.

Isključenje prava na jednostrani raskid ugovora: Potrošač nema pravo na raskid Ugovora u slučajevima propisanim člankom 79. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača: predmet ugovora zapečaćena roba koja zbog zdravstvenih ili higijenskih razloga nije pogodna za vraćanje, ako je bila otpečaćena nakon dostave.

Ako je proizvod oštećen nakon preuzimanja, kupac mora odma kontaktirati prodavatelja sa slikama oštećenog proizvoda na email adresi: orders@croatiangiftshop.com i mora u roku 14 dana vratiti robu u originalnom pakiranju.

Prodavatelj se obvezuje Kupcu vratiti cjelokupan iznos uplaćenih sredstva u roku od 14 dana po primitku pismene obavijesti o raskidu ugovora. Povrat plaćenog izvršit će se istim sredstvima plaćanja kojim se koristio Kupac prilikom plaćanja. U slučaju da Kupac pristaje na drugi način povrata plaćenog iznosa, ne snosi nikakve troškove u odnosu na povrat. Prodavatelj nije dužan izvršiti povrat plaćenog prije nego mu roba isporučena Kupcu bude vraćena.

Kupac, tj. potrošač je dužan dokazati da je svoje pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora ostvario u skladu s važećim Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača.

U slučaju raskida ugovora, svaka je strana dužna vratiti drugoj ono što je primila na temelju ugovora, u skladu s odredbama ovih Uvjeta prodaje. To znači, Prodavatelj izvršava povrat uplaćenih sredstava služeći se istim sredstvima plaćanja kojim se Kupac koristio prilikom plaćanja, a Kupac izvršava povrat kupljene robe bez odgađanja.

Kupac nema pravo na raskid ugovora u slučajevima propisanim važećim Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača, a osobito ako je:
– ugovor o uslugama Prodavatelj u potpunosti ispunio, a ispunjenje je započelo uz izričit prethodni pristanak Kupca te uz njegovu potvrdu da je upoznat s činjenicom da će izgubiti pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora ako usluga bude u potpunosti ispunjena;
– predmet ugovora roba ili usluga čija je cijena ovisna o promjenama na financijskom tržištu koje su izvan utjecaja Prodavatelja, a koje se mogu pojaviti za vrijeme trajanja prava Kupca na jednostrani raskid ugovora;
– predmet ugovora roba koja je izrađena po specifikaciji Kupca ili koja je jasno prilagođena Kupcu;
– predmet ugovora roba koja je zbog svoje prirode nakon dostave nerazdvojivo pomiješana s drugim stvarima


Svaki ugovor sklopljen na temelju ovih Uvjeta prodaje će biti pohranjen u elektronskom obliku Prodavateljevog sustava, te Kupac može pristupiti njima putem službi Prodavatelja. Potvrdom prihvaćanja ovih Uvjeta prodaje Kupac daje suglasnost na prikupljanje, obradu i pohranu ugovora te s njime povezanim svim relevantnim osobnim podacima (ime, prezime, adresa, i sl.). 

Kupac svoje zahtjeve, reklamacije, prigovore, izjave, kao i eventualne pohvale može dostaviti Prodavatelju putem elektroničke pošte: orders@croatiangiftshop.com. Ostvarenje prava po prijavljenoj reklamaciji ostvaruju se sukladno važećim Direktivama EU o pravima potrošača, Zakonom o zašiti potrošača i važećim Zakonom o obaveznim odnosima. Proizvode koje je Kupac pokušao popraviti ili prepraviti i proizvode koji su oštećeni zbog neprikladne upotrebe nije moguće reklamirati.

Kupac prihvaćanjem ovih Uvjeta prodaje potvrđuje da je upoznat i suglasan s odredbama Uvjeta prodaje, koje omogućuje korištenje sustava CroatianGiftShop.com.

Za ugovore sklopljene na temelju ovih Uvjeta prodaje primjenjuje se mjerodavno pravo prema sjedištu Prodavatelja. Primjena UN-ove Konvencije o međunarodnoj prodaji robe je isključena.

Kupac potvrđuje da je svjestan da su važeći Uvjeti prodaje podložni stalnim promjenama i poboljšanjima, tako da za sve buduće kupnje sam preuzima odgovornost da bude upoznat s aktualnim općim uvjetima koji se primjenjuju na CroatianGiftShop.com

Promjene ovih Uvjeta prodaje kao i odredbe ugovora sklopljenih na temelju ovih Općih uvjeta moguće su isključivo na temelju pisanog sporazuma ugovornih strana. Usmeni ugovori i/ili sporazumi nisu dopušteni.

Akcije se međusobno ne zbrajaju.

Rješavanje sporova

Sukladno Uredbi br. 524/2013 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća, uvedena je obveza trgovcima koji sudjeluju u ugovorima o online prodaji da na svojim stranicama osiguraju elektronsku poveznicu s platformom za online rješavanje potrošačkih sporova. Platformi za rješavanje potrošačkih sporova putem interneta kupac može pristupiti putem ove poveznice.

U slučaju spora između potrošača i trgovca, može se podnijeti prijava Sudu časti Hrvatske gospodarske komore i Sudu časti Hrvatske obrtničke komore. Eventualne sporove trgovac i potrošač nastojat će riješiti dogovorom i mirnim putem, a u suprotnom nadležan je Sud u Šibeniku.

KninuOžujak 2022.

Terms of Sale



The terms of sale regulate the relationship between the Buyer and the company  (hereinafter: “Seller”) regarding the validity of the contractual relationship with the Buyer, advertising, conditions and manner ordering products, product prices, terms and methods of payment, delivery, the right to terminate the contract and return the goods and other issues important for concluding a contract of sale through the online store published on the Seller’s website: https://www.CroatianGiftShop.com

The current Consumer Protection Act, the valid Electronic Commerce Act, the valid Civil Obligations Act and other applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia apply to the Terms of Sale.


Validity of the Terms of Sale

The Terms of Sale apply between the Buyer and  (hereinafter: the “Seller”), in connection with the ordering of products by the Buyer through the online store published on the Seller’s website (“CroatianGiftShop.com”).

The Buyer is any natural person who is a visitor to CroatianGiftShop.com and who submits an order to the Seller to purchase an individual and / or group of products of the seller, and selects at least one product, puts it in the cart, pays by credit card, bank transfer or internet banking. The buyer can only be an adult and able-bodied person. The contract in the name and on behalf of the minor and completely incapable persons may be concluded by their legal representatives or guardians. Partially able-bodied persons may conclude a contract only with the consent of their legal representative or guardian. The Seller shall not be liable for any act contrary to this provision.

For legal entities, the current Law on Obligations applies.

The contract concluded by the Buyer with the Seller is a one-time contract for the purchase and sale of products at a distance that is consumed by the delivery of goods and payment made by the Buyer, in case it is not terminated. These Terms of Sale are an integral part of the contract.


Invalidity of other contractual terms


These Terms of Sale apply as the primary and mandatory source of law governing the legal relationship between Seller and Buyer and in this regard have a predominant effect over all other possible sources and replace all other written or oral contracts, terms and / or agreements between Seller and Buyer and / or contractual terms of other persons, which deviate from these Terms of Sale. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms of Sale and all other Seller-Buyer Agreements, these Terms of Sale shall prevail unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.


Validity of consumer relations


These Terms of Sale apply to all persons who are considered Consumers in terms of the legislation of the Republic of Croatia.


Validity of relations with foreign nationals


These Terms of Sale also apply to natural persons who have citizenship other than the citizenship of the Republic of Croatia, regardless of any differences in the legal or statutory position of the Buyer, and regardless of his actual ability to understand the Croatian language in which these Terms of Sale are drafted.

These Terms of Sale also apply to stateless persons, as well as to the staff of foreign diplomatic and consular missions and to honorary consuls and consulates of foreign countries on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.




Seller’s announcements are a representation of the basic Terms of Sale, unless the Seller expressly states otherwise.

Product descriptions, specifications, and photographs were obtained at the Seller’s premises.

For the purpose of advertising certain products, the Seller uses the Google Adwords remarketing service. This is a service provided by Google for targeted advertising. The service is used for the purpose of advertising through Google Search, and the Google Display network of customers who have already visited CroatianGiftShop.com. You can unsubscribe from this service in Google settings – ads in your Google profile.

Through CroatianGiftShop.com, the Buyer is enabled to purchase a part of the range of products from the Seller’s offer.

The Seller places all materials, videos, photographs and text on the Website in good faith to make it easier for the Buyer to make a choice when making a purchase.

If due to an error or oversight the price published on CroatianGiftShop.com is not correct or has changed in the meantime, the Seller reserves the right to change. Also in this case, the Seller reserves the right to inform the Buyer about the change or correctness of the price and to give the Buyer the opportunity to confirm or cancel his order. If the requested product is not available, the Seller will inform the Buyer as soon as possible about the exact delivery time or the Seller will return the amount paid to the Buyer.


Ordering products


The Buyer can choose a product or group of products whose purchase he is interested in from the part of the Seller’s range published on CroatianGiftShop.com by clicking on the “Add to cart” button and add it to his cart. Products are ordered without customer registration.

By clicking on the “Pay” button, the Buyer makes an irrevocable offer to the Seller to purchase an individual or group of products. Before concluding the purchase, the customer can change the status of the product or add more products to the cart.

The purchase cannot be realized if the Buyer has not confirmed his agreement with the Terms of Sale.

The purchase is valid only if the order is properly filled and concluded through CroatianGiftShop.com. This also applies to additional requirements, conditions or instructions of the Customer, which may be related to the purchased content.

In the event that the Seller is unable to deliver the product, the Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing or by telephone as soon as possible. In case of notification that the ordered product is available within the extended period, the Buyer has the option to stay with the order, with a new, so specified delivery time, or cancel the order. In the event that the Seller notifies the Buyer that the product can not be delivered at all, the contract is terminated by such notification and the order is canceled, and unauthorized credit or debit card transactions are canceled immediately, and the refund, if any, the Seller will return to the Buyer the amount paid.

If the Buyer refuses to accept the correct / undamaged products previously ordered, the Seller has the right to ask the Buyer for reimbursement of delivery costs (handling costs).

The customer order is considered confirmed and valid only when the invoice is created.

After confirmation of the Buyer’s order by the Seller, the terms of each purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Seller are fixed and cannot be changed unless the contracting parties reach a different agreement in writing.


Promo code with discount


This online store may issue promo codes for the discount. If it is active, the promo code for the discount brings various benefits when shopping through the Internet store and may be limited in time. The active promo code for the discount is published on the front page, product page, newsletter or other media. Promo code is charged for the entire range. Use of promo code for discount: the active promo code is entered in the internet shopping cart. Promo codes do not add up.


Generally about the method of payment

All prices on CroatianGiftShop.com are stated in Euros (EUR), unless otherwise stated. Prices do not include value added tax because  is not in the VAT system. Product prices do not include shipping costs.

The CroatianGiftShop.com online store allows users to pay and purchase by credit or debit card, bank transfer, payment by post, FINI, internet banking or bank payment and Paypal in accordance with the conditions set out in these General Terms and Conditions.

The Buyer agrees that the Seller, in case of suspicion of misuse of any type of payment, may request additional evidence of the validity of such payment method, and in case such evidence is not submitted has the right to suspend the transaction and cancel the order.

The Buyer confirms and agrees that his payment service provider, in order to meet the obligations of payment of Buyers to the Seller, may charge the Buyer with transaction costs that are not known to the Seller. The buyer agrees to bear all such costs himself.

In case the Buyer intends to pay for the goods to the Seller’s giro account (by bank transfer, e-banking, post office, bank, etc.), it is necessary to select the option of paying “Direct Bank Transfer” on the CroatianGiftShop.com cart. The deadline for payment to the Buyer is 3 days, after which the Seller does not guarantee the availability of the ordered items. Order processing starts from the moment the payment is visible on our account. If the payment was made after the deadline and the goods are available, the delivery procedure is initiated. If the goods are not available, the Seller will inform the Buyer about the exact delivery time or the Seller will return the amount paid to the Buyer.


Payment by credit or debit card


Payment by credit or debit card is made through a virtual POS system Web Secure Payment Gateway called “WSpay” protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Through CroatianGiftShop.com, payment is possible with credit and / or debit cards: American Express, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners and Visa. When paying for the product with the Customer’s credit or debit cards, the payment service provider will charge the same amount for the Order.

After issuing a specific order for payment on the Customer’s credit or debit card, the Customer waives any right to terminate, cancel and / or change the execution of a specific payment order. Such waiver applies only to the irrevocability of the payment transaction and does not affect the rights of the Buyer in connection with the termination of the contract. In this sense, the Buyer is responsible for all costs and damages that may be incurred by the Seller in this regard.

The buyer is responsible for ensuring that the credit or debit card payment service provider is provided with a sufficient amount of money to make the payment of the purchase price and all other applicable costs. This relationship is governed by the rules between the payment service provider and the Customer that the right to payment is used by credit or debit card, and that the Customer submits complete and accurate credit or debit card information by order. Otherwise, the Buyer is responsible for all damages and costs incurred or may be incurred by the Seller in relation to the violation of this obligation of the Buyer.


Delivery and delivery times


The Seller is obliged to deliver the ordered goods to the address specified by the Buyer in the Buyer’s Order sent via CroatianGiftShop.com.

The seller is responsible for timely and orderly shipment of goods from its business units and delivery of suppliers, but is not responsible for delays caused by shipping services, force majeure, as well as for all cases of inability and / or delivery delays for which delivery services are responsible.

If delivery of the purchased goods is not possible, at the address specified by the Buyer, because the Buyer is not at the specified address within the agreed time, for reasons known to him, the costs of the next delivery and all other possible costs due to failed delivery are borne exclusively by the Buyer.

The Buyer is obliged to inspect the received goods without delay on the outer packaging when picking up from the delivery service, and to inform the Seller about the visible defects of the goods.

The Seller may, in case of observed problems with the execution of the payment obligation of the Buyer, cancel the postponement of the goods at its own discretion or postpone until the full fulfillment of the payment obligations by the Buyer.

If the Buyer refuses to accept the correct / undamaged products previously ordered, the Seller has the right to ask the Buyer for reimbursement of delivery costs (handling costs).

You can track your package on the delivery service website. After entering the package number, delivery details will be displayed – including information on the expected delivery time, as well as the last status after the package was shipped.


Warranty, guarantee and defects


All goods on CroatianGiftShop.com do not come with a warranty or guarantee.

The seller is responsible for material defects in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Civil Obligations Act and EU Consumer Protection Directives.

If the Buyer has duly notified the Seller of material defects (visible), the Seller has an obligation to the Buyer within the legally prescribed deadlines to: (I) eliminate the defect, (II) replace the goods with other goods without defects, (III) reduce the purchase price, (IV) allow termination of contract.

The Buyer must notify the Seller of the defect together with an accurate description of the same within the legal deadline. The buyer is obliged to provide us with pictures of the product.

If the Buyer wishes to return the shipment with the product for which the material defect has been determined at the expense of the Buyer, he may do so by prior arrangement with the Seller orders@croatiangiftshop.com

The parties exclude the Seller’s liability for any further damage to persons and things other than the purchased product, if such damage is caused by the intent or negligence of the Buyer or persons for whom he is responsible, even if the purchased product has defects.


The right to cancel the purchase and return the goods


The consumer has the right, without stating the reasons, to unilaterally terminate the contract concluded outside the business premises or concluded at a distance from the day of its conclusion, and no later than within 14 days.

Exclusion of the right to unilateral termination of the contract: The consumer has no right to terminate the contract in cases prescribed by Article 79 of the Consumer Protection Act: the subject of the contract is sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health or hygiene reasons.

If the product is damaged after collection, the buyer must immediately contact the seller with pictures of the damaged product at the email address: orders@croatiangiftshop.com and must return the goods in the original packaging within 14 days.

The Seller undertakes to return to the Buyer the full amount of the paid funds within 14 days of receiving written notice of termination of the contract. The refund will be made by the same means of payment used by the Buyer during the payment. In the event that the Buyer agrees in another way to refund the amount paid, he does not bear any costs in relation to the refund. The Seller is not obliged to return the payment before the goods delivered to the Buyer are returned to him.

The buyer, ie the consumer, is obliged to prove that he has exercised his right to unilateral termination of the contract in accordance with the applicable Consumer Protection Act.

In the event of termination of the contract, each party is obliged to return to the other what it received under the contract, in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Sale. This means that the Seller returns the paid funds using the same means of payment used by the Buyer during the payment, and the Buyer returns the purchased goods without delay.

The buyer is not entitled to terminate the contract in cases prescribed by the applicable Consumer Protection Act, and especially if:

– the Seller has fully fulfilled the service contract, and the fulfillment began with the explicit prior consent of the Buyer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilateral termination of the contract if the service is fully fulfilled;

– the subject of the contract for goods or services whose price depends on changes in the financial market that are beyond the influence of the Seller, and which may occur during the term of the Buyer’s right to unilateral termination of the contract;

– the subject of the contract is goods that are made according to the Buyer’s specification or that are clearly adapted to the Buyer;

– the subject of a contract for goods which, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items after delivery


The rest


Any contract concluded on the basis of these Terms of Sale will be stored in electronic form of the Seller’s system, and the Buyer may access them through the Seller’s services. By confirming acceptance of these Terms of Sale, the Buyer agrees to the collection, processing and storage of the contract and all relevant personal data (name, surname, address, etc.).

The Buyer may submit his requests, complaints, objections, statements, as well as any praise to the Seller by e-mail: orders@croatiangiftshop.com. The exercise of rights under the reported complaint is exercised in accordance with the current EU Directives on consumer rights, the Law on Consumer Protection and the current Law on Obligations. Products that the Customer has attempted to repair or remake and products that have been damaged due to improper use cannot be advertised.

By accepting these Terms of Sale, the Buyer confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the provisions of the Terms of Sale, which allows the use of the CroatianGiftShop.com system.

For contracts concluded on the basis of these Terms of Sale, the applicable law according to the Seller’s registered office shall apply. The application of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods is excluded.

The customer confirms that he is aware that the current Terms of Sale are subject to constant changes and improvements, so for all future purchases he assumes the responsibility to be aware of the current general conditions applicable to CroatianGiftShop.com

Changes to these Terms of Sale as well as the provisions of contracts concluded on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions are possible only on the basis of a written agreement of the contracting parties. Oral contracts and / or agreements are not permitted.

Sales/discounts cannot be combined.


Dispute resolution


In accordance with Regulation no. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, an obligation has been introduced for stores participating in online sales contracts to provide on their website an electronic link to the platform for online resolution of consumer disputes. The online consumer dispute resolution platform can be accessed via this link.


In the event of a dispute between a consumer and a seller, an application may be submitted to the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts. The seller and the consumer will try to resolve any disputes by agreement and amicably, otherwise the Court in Šibenik has jurisdiction.


In Knin, March 2022.