
Poklon Vrećica
Gift Bag

Poklon Vrećica
Gift Bag

308 in stock


Darujte u stilu s poklon vrećicom Croatian Gift Shopa! Logo Croatian Gift Shopa nalazi se na jednoj strani, dok su na drugoj strani hrvatski grb i pleter, što ovoj vrećici daje poseban nacionalni ponos. Bočne strane krase crveno-bijeli kvadratići, a plave i crvene ručke dodatno naglašavaju hrvatsku simboliku. Dimenzije su: 12 x 14 x 6 cm.

🎁 *⁠ ⁠Cijena je za 1 poklon vrećicu, u vrećicu stane jedna kutija nakita


Gift in style with a Croatian Gift Shop gift bag! The Croatian Gift Shop logo is on one side, while the Croatian crest and traditional pleter pattern are on the other, giving this bag a special sense of national pride. The sides are adorned with red and white checkers, and the blue and red handles further emphasize Croatian symbolism. Dimensions: 12 x 14 x 6 cm."

🎁 *⁠ ⁠Price is for 1 gift bag, the bag fits one jewelry box for one necklace

308 in stock


Darujte u stilu s poklon vrećicom Croatian Gift Shopa! Logo Croatian Gift Shopa nalazi se na jednoj strani, dok su na drugoj strani hrvatski grb i pleter, što ovoj vrećici daje poseban nacionalni ponos. Bočne strane krase crveno-bijeli kvadratići, a plave i crvene ručke dodatno naglašavaju hrvatsku simboliku. Dimenzije su: 12 x 14 x 6 cm.

🎁 *⁠ ⁠Cijena je za 1 poklon vrećicu, u vrećicu stane jedna kutija nakita


Gift in style with a Croatian Gift Shop gift bag! The Croatian Gift Shop logo is on one side, while the Croatian crest and traditional pleter pattern are on the other, giving this bag a special sense of national pride. The sides are adorned with red and white checkers, and the blue and red handles further emphasize Croatian symbolism. Dimensions: 12 x 14 x 6 cm."

🎁 *⁠ ⁠Price is for 1 gift bag, the bag fits one jewelry box for one necklace


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